Our company has been operating on the market since 1995. We specialize in transportation-specific automatics and pneumatics. Since 2008, we have been cooperating with firms operating in the steel-related branch of industry, which resulted in expanding our scope of business activity by adding comprehensive investment realization to it, including even the production of machinery and pneumatic parts characterized by a wide scope of uses, the main one of which being processing biomass in energetic processes. As of currently, we utilize the proprietary technology of fragmenting and transporting biomass, which involves its processing into dust, shreds, pellet, and briquette. Additionally, we have created a method of fire protection that is in line with the production process, which makes our fire extinguishing systems always operational and efficient, making facilitating acting quickly and preventing fires from occurring.
We have reached the top of European companies specializing in biomass and renewable energy production (especially of forest and agricultural origin).
Our solutions are characterized by:
efficient workflow
safe technological process
innovative raw material processing methods
maintenance of the forecasted efficiency
no dustiness
no dust being released to the atmosphere
no transport fans
low storage device exploitation level
no clogging
no explosion hazard
Currently, the number of people working for us and cooperating with our company exceeds 50. We build and design solutions adjusted to the individual needs of our customers. Every year, we realize several customized projects or improve some investments. Additionally, we enjoy a remarkable position on the market, as well as a large group of regular customers, both in the country and abroad. Due to our experience in the field, we are capable of supporting many firms operating in Poland and outside its borders. We do possess necessary means, experience, and technical background allowing us to realize the ordered investments.